Hi here's an example of how an sqlplus export script should look if you would like to export data from Oracle to a flat file .
set colsep | --
separate columns with a "|" character
set headsep off --
remove heading separators
set linesize 1000
-- line size set to 1000 or whatever your maximum length is
set numw 20
-- 20 is the length of numbers, you set this at whatever length you want
your numbers to be. This should also avoid getting numbers in scientific
notations such as 1.77382E... etc.
set pagesize 0 --
no headers
set trimspool on -- get rid of trailing blanks set echo
off -- so you don't get the data on the screen that slows down the process
significantly... if you want to monitor the file you can use the unix command
tail -f /usr/loadfiles/loadfile1.dat set feedback off -- no messages
spool /usr/loadfiles/loadfile1.dat -- location where the
flat file will be exported... You might have to convert dates, numbers etc. to
select col1,col2,col3,... from tableX where ... ; -- query for downloading the
data... You can put here your "latest data" vs. "cold data"
filtering conditions etc.
spool off
If you want everything into a single line you can use the
concatenate query (without trailing blanks after every column): select col1||
'|' ||col2|| '|' ||col3,... from tableX
where ... In that case you don't need the "set colsep...
statement). There are many ways of specifying the query. Also (this is trivial,
but worth mentioning) be sure you have enough space and write permissions in
the file system you are exporting the file.
You put the text between the two "------" into
a file called (for example) script.sql or something similar, then run from the
unix prompt as follows:
unix prompt> sqlplus
username/password@oracle_connection @script.sql
You can put multiple sqlplus statements into a unix shell
script for exporting from multimple sources/tables. Be aware that I did not
test this, so you will have to experiment a bit in your specific environment,
but it should give you a good conceptual idea on how to do it...
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