Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Split Excel file to Multiple TAB delimited UTF-8 files

One of the requirement on a project was a to split a excel file with multiple sheets to separate Tab delimited files. The challenge that we faced was that data was in Arabic Language and VB script was not getting it right. 

Below is the Complete code how to split an excel into multiple UTF-8 Tab delimited files.  The only importnat thing to note is that while saving file you need to provide argument 42 if you wish to save file in UTF-8 format.

oWorksheet1.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(1), 42

The complete code is as follows and can  be invoked from Batch script using

XlsToCsv.vbs  Source_Excel.xls  Test1.csv Test2.csv Test3.csv Test4.csv

 - - - - Code Start Here ------- 

if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
    WScript.Echo "Error! Please specify the source path and the destination. Usage: XlsToCsv SourcePath.xls Destination.csv"
End If

Dim oExcel
Dim oWorkbook
Dim oWorksheet1
Dim oWorksheet2
Dim oWorksheet3
Dim oWorksheet4
Dim RowCount
Dim ColCount

Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oWorkbook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(Wscript.Arguments.Item(0))
Set oWorksheet1 = oWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
Set oWorksheet2 = oWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(3)
Set oWorksheet3 = oWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(4)
Set oWorksheet4 = oWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(5)

oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
oWorksheet1.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(1), 42

oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
oWorksheet2.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(2), 42

oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
oWorksheet3.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(3), 42

oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
oWorksheet4.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(4), 42

Set oWorksheet1 = Nothing
Set oWorksheet2 = Nothing
Set oWorksheet3 = Nothing
Set oWorksheet4 = Nothing
Set oWorkbook = Nothing
Set oExcel = Nothing

--- Code End Here ----

Monday, February 9, 2015

MS SQL Server Model not showing any objects in ODI

we had a requirement to connect to the MS SQL server 2008 as our source system and once issue we noticed that we were succesfull in connecting to the database while in the model view we were not able to see any objects.

The procedure to connect to the database is standard but there is one trick which we should understand while connecting to the SQL server database.

Please find below the screen shot when u click for new data server Go to Topology - > Physical Architecture - > Technology -> MS Sql Server ->  New Data Server

As below choose the mentioned JDBC drivers for SQL Server and give the IP and port. Plase make sure that remote access is anabled and your user has access on the required database.

Next step is to create a physical schema from this data server here you must keep in mind that in SQL Server database structure is different e.g In our case the database name is "dqaa" and we wish to extract some tables from it. The owner of schema is "DBO" and hence we need to set the setting as below because the property "Local Object Mask" will use that information to extract tables /views/objects from SQL server metadata . This was the main reason why we were not able to see any objects in the Model view after reverse engineering.

Hope that helps.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What are Pluggable database in Oracle & Setting up ODI Repository with Oracle 12c.

Oracle 12 c has recently introduced a new concept of plug-gable databases which actually aims to separate the metadata from business user data. The concept is to create a container that will hold the user data schema. The details about the plug-gable database and how they work can be referenced from below. 

But here are few questions?

How do I connect to a pluggable database using SQL developer or TOAD?

The Answer is simple with oracle installation it creates and ask for the name of the pluggable database e.g. PDBORCL (in our case this is the pluggable database name). If you are not sure you can login to system using SYS user and execute below query. You can see I have a PDB with name as PDBORCL and its open. If it’s not open you can open it by issuing the second SQL statement below

select name, open_mode from v$pdbs;


Alter pluggable database all open;

Now you have to define a TNS entry in your oracletns.ora file as follows and you will be able to connect it using TOAD/SQL Developer.

How do I Setup the ODI repository into a pluggable database using RCU?

The RCU utility will setup the repository for you in the oracle 12c, but if you have configured the pluggable database option the RCU pre check fails with below error.
RCU-6002: The specified database does not meet the minimum requirement to load metadata repository. RCU-6080: Global prerequisite check failed - Check requirement for specified database the selected Oracle database is a multitenant container database (CDB). Connecting to a multitenant container database (CDB) is not supported. Instead, connect to a valid pluggable database (PDB).
So to solve this issue while RCU asks for the details on “Database connection details” step provide the Service Name: PDBORCL instead of your main service name e.g. ORCL which is by default.  Doing so all the repository objects and user will be created in the PDBORCL database and later you will use the below steps to create or connect to your PDB based repository.

How do I connect to a pluggable database using ODI or any other application?

For my case we have an issue while connecting to the PDB database while setting up the ODI repository we did the following while filling up the JDBC URL. Giving only the service name will give error and to resolve it we did the following by providing the full TNS entry details.


Hope that helps.