Monday, February 9, 2015

MS SQL Server Model not showing any objects in ODI

we had a requirement to connect to the MS SQL server 2008 as our source system and once issue we noticed that we were succesfull in connecting to the database while in the model view we were not able to see any objects.

The procedure to connect to the database is standard but there is one trick which we should understand while connecting to the SQL server database.

Please find below the screen shot when u click for new data server Go to Topology - > Physical Architecture - > Technology -> MS Sql Server ->  New Data Server

As below choose the mentioned JDBC drivers for SQL Server and give the IP and port. Plase make sure that remote access is anabled and your user has access on the required database.

Next step is to create a physical schema from this data server here you must keep in mind that in SQL Server database structure is different e.g In our case the database name is "dqaa" and we wish to extract some tables from it. The owner of schema is "DBO" and hence we need to set the setting as below because the property "Local Object Mask" will use that information to extract tables /views/objects from SQL server metadata . This was the main reason why we were not able to see any objects in the Model view after reverse engineering.

Hope that helps.